
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


LET'S HAVE FUN WHILE LEARNING- Rainbow April 19th-23rd

To be able to learn, students need to do something!
Here are the glimpse of our little ones doing various exercises for the first time at the gym. We did stretching, running back and forth, dancing, chasing one another, jumping like a rabbit, and playing with hula hoop. Well done, Rainbow!🏃🏻‍♀🏃🏻‍♂

初めてのジムで様々なエクササイズをする子供達。ストレッチをしたり、前後に走ったり、踊ったり、追いかけ合ったり、うさぎのようにジャンプしたり、フラフープで遊んだり。 レインボークラスのみんな、よくできました!

Another first time experience for our little ones in our Music class. Everyone did great in clapping their hands, singing and dancing! Great job!!!⭐

もう一つの初めて体験は音楽クラスでした。 上手に手をたたき、歌い、踊りました! みんな、よくできました!!!

For our monthly topics, we did identifying the “Rainbow Colors” such as: red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange and blue, and determining numbers 1-7. We also watched an educational video about these topics. Our youngsters enjoyed singing new songs, too!✨


Have a great weekend everyone!🌟


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / LET'S HAVE FUN WHILE LEARNING- Rainbow April 19th-23rd