
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Early Spring Butterflies of Aurora (March 8-12)

One sure sign that winter is over are the early Spring butterflies. In Aurora class, we made some butterflies because everybody is excited for the Spring season. We used coffee filters for the wings of the butterfly. To make it as colourful as the real ones, we put diluted paint on it, and let it spread all over the surface. Students put different colours that added more beauty on it. The teachers put pipe cleaner to complete the body of the butterfly. 🦋

Children love to imitate. At the gym, Aurora students had so much imitating the movements of the animals such a bear and a fish. They also tried to cross over the rope in different ways. Well done boys and girls!
子ども達は、真似っこが大好き!ジムレッスンでは動物さんの動きを真似っこするアクティビティをしました。金魚やくまの動きを一緒に考えながら動いてみました。とても可愛かったです😍 みんな大好き蛇さん(縄跳び)もしました。

Aurora students have been doing a lot of writing practices now. They wrote their names and finished writing letters Qq, Rr, Ss, and Tt. They have been doing great so far!

In reading, we started to practice reading CVC words with the short vowel sound /o/ such as box, fox, cop, mop, log, dog, jog, and hot . They also did matching pictures with the words.

In math, we continue to add numbers from 1 to 10. The activity we did was they had to write their answers on the paper to also practice them writing numbers.

We would like to say thank you to our dear parents for coming to school in our open day. Hope you liked your children’s presentation of their diorama and heard them speak in English. Thank you so much! Have a wonderful weekend!
そして今週の目玉、オープンデー!みんなとても楽しみにしていたようで、朝からとても張り切っていました!この発表会は、Unit4の総まとめのアセスメントでした。今年度初めての参観日でしたが、オーロラさんとっても上手に発表できました👏 保護者の皆様、お忙しい中お越しいただき、ありがとうございました。(グループ分けで時間短縮になってしまい申し訳ありません)
*これで今年度のIBレッスンは終了しました。今週と来週で一対一のインタビューを終え、Student Reportが完成します。PortfolioとStudent Reportは今年度最後の週にお渡しできると思いますので、宜しくお願いします。


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Early Spring Butterflies of Aurora (March 8-12)