
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Taking Fun Walks” Meadow-February 1-5

“楽しい散歩” Meadowクラス 2月1日から5日より



In this week, Meadow had our fun walks outside. Walking without a rope becomes enjoyable for us. We are building up stamina which prepares for us for longer times and distances. One thing we love doing during our fun walks is seeing the dog 🐕 in a neighborhood. We always stop by and see what it’s doing. We are interested to talk about its feeling. One would say, the dog is sleepy and still others would say, the dog is sad, etc. Then we would say goodbye to the doggie.

今週、Meadowクラスは外での散歩を楽しみました。ロープ無しで歩くのは嬉しいものです。より長い時間と距離を歩くのに持久力を養っています。楽しい散歩の間に好きなことの一つは近くで犬に会うことです。みんな犬の気分について話すのが好きです。ある生徒は “犬が眠そう” また別の生徒たちは “犬は寂しそう” などと話しています。そして犬にさよならを言っています。

We had an engaging new topic for this month, it’s FRUITS. In this topic, we sing the FRUIT song with so many fruits vocabulary in it. We have picked our favorite fruit out and have it shown in front of the class with the phrase, I like grapes 🍇, I like cherries, etc.

子供達は今月新しいテーマに取り組んでいます。それは果物です。このテーマでは果物の言葉がたくさん使われている果物の歌を歌っています。子供達は好きな果物のカードを取って、クラスの友達の前で ” I like grapes. I like cherries “などと言って発表しました。

We are born to move! Our Gym class is packed full of activities and new challenges. First and foremost, we have the snake-like activity, an activity which everyone loves. Two teachers hold the ends of the rope, making sure it’s flat on the floor and shake the rope so it looks like a snake, while everyone jumps over it. Then, the other one is jump and touch the rope activity. We build confidence and find joy in touching the rope as high as we can reach. Other physical activities are running, animal walks and the Bee Tag game.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “Taking Fun Walks” Meadow-February 1-5