
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Let’s Build A Snowman” Meadow-January 18-22

雪だるまを作ろう  Meadowクラスの1月18日から22日

In this week, Meadow class went to the park and we had a great time playing with snow and building a Snowman. It was great to see the Meadow class having a moment of entertainment as we were packing the snow into the body of a Snowman. Everyone’s mind got stimulated by showing our creativity how we could able to build one. At the end, we were happy to see our little Snowman with eyes and long arms. It was a moment of great teamwork and so much fun.


We had our first ever 2021 earthquake drill. Amazing how we were able to understand what’s going on and how we could smoothly follow the instructions. As soon as we heard the whistle at the hallway, we covered our head with our hands and hid under the table. Then, after hearing the second whistle, we came out from a hiding place. The very important thing we have learned from our drill is to remember the rules how to escape safely. We keep these rules in our mind; O, HA, SHI, MO

2021年最初の地震の避難訓練をしました。何が起こっているのか理解し、お話を聞くことができ素晴らしかったです。廊下で笛の音を聞いた後、両手で頭を保護しテーブルの下に隠れました。その後二度目の笛の音を聞いた後、机の下から出ました。訓練から学んだとても大切な事はいかに安全に逃げるかを覚えておくということです。「お・は・し・も」 これらの約束を忘れないようにしましょう。

O for Osanai which means, Do not push your friends.

HA for Hashiranai which means, Do not run.

SHI for Shaberanai which means, Do not talk.

MO for Modoranai which means, Do not come back.

Kudos! to these little ones for doing a great job.

お: 押さない  

は: 走らない

し: 喋らない 

も: 戻らない

頑張ったね! Meadowクラスの子供達は立派にやっています。

We had our Swimming 🏊‍♀️ lesson for this week. The good news is, our little ones are now enjoying getting into the water. No more fear, no more crying when our friends splash us in our eye. We can even go deeper in a shoulder deep water. Won’t you congratulate us? 😉


We also had our Music class this week. We are loving music more. We actively participated singing, clapping and even dancing. We understood that music has a rhythm, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. The perfect music for this is the ABC song. First, we clapped our hands with a slow pace, then fast pace.

また、今週は音楽のレッスンもありました。みんな音楽をもっと好きになってきています。積極的に歌ったり、手拍子したり踊ったさえもして参加しています。子供達は時にはゆっくり、時には速くという音楽のリズムを理解しています。ABC songは完璧です。最初、ゆっくりで手拍子をし、それからスピードを速くしてリズムを取って歌っています。

Have a great and safe weekend everyone.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “Let’s Build A Snowman” Meadow-January 18-22