
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora's Expression of Love for Parents (Dec. 14-18)

We only have one remaining week of classes for the year 2020 and everybody is very excited for the Christmas! It’ll be next week! Aurora students are the happiest because finally they’ll be able to give their Christmas card to their parents. They finished the undone parts of the card like tracing their names, pasting the origami Christmas tree and star, and decorating the front page with Christmas lights using paint by stamping their fingerprints on the string. They made this card to show their love to their parents which is a part of our UOI lesson in LOI3: Creating Arts. They also learned that to express their feelings in words LOI1, they can say Merry Christmas and I love you, mommy and daddy. And to show their feelings through body language LOI2, they can hug and kiss their parents. That’s also our final activity in Unit 3 and we’ll have reflection interview next week.


LOI1で学んだ「言葉で感情を表す」事とLOI2の「ボディーランゲージで感情を表す」事、そしてLOI3「アートを作って自分の気持ちを表す」事すべてが見る事ができます。心を込めて作ったカードを渡す時に、言葉で”I love you”、そしてボディーランゲージの「ハグやほっぺにキス」で愛情を表現できます。




We had our last practices and rehearsal for the Christmas show this week. Our boys and girls worked hard and did their best in all the practices we had. Finally, they will be able to show you how talented they are! They are all very excited to perform on stage!


いよいよ本番!みんな最高の笑顔で芸術館に来てくれました。緊張は見られませんでした😉 クリスマスショーの写真はないですが、本当にみんな最高で素敵なパフォーマンスを見せてくれました❤️と〜ってもキュートな笑顔で、目をキラキラさせてパフォーマンスをしているオーロラさんを見て、来年度の年中さんのパフォーマンスも楽しみになりました😍 保護者の皆様、いつもご理解、ご協力、本当にありがとうございます!

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend!



TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora's Expression of Love for Parents (Dec. 14-18)