
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Color my feelings! (Aurora Nov. 24-27)

Hello everyone!
This week in UOI lesson is about the colors of emotions. We discovered that colors show a specific emotion too. Examples are red for angry, green for happy, yellow for excited, orange for afraid, blue for sad, and purple for anxious/nervous. We can tell what the paintings show based on its color. We showed them examples of paintings and asked them what feelings do they show. For their activity, we let them colored the heart shape on the paper which symbolizes their feelings for the day. Most of them colored it with green to show that they feel happy!

今週のUOIレッスンは、感情を表す色について学びました。例えば赤色が表す感情は怒り、緑はハッピー、黄色は驚き、オレンジは恐怖、アオは悲しみ、紫は不安等です。それを踏まえて、色々な色の絵を見せました。この絵はどんな感情を表しているのかを問いかけます。色々な答えが返ってきましたが、みんな学習したことを思い出し、正しい答えにたどり着くことができました👏 そして、クラスアクティビティでは、ワークシートに書かれたハートに今日のみんなの心・感情を考え、その色に塗っていくことをしました。ほとんどのみんなが緑色=ハッピーを塗っていました😉

Aurora students had fun at the gym trying new stretching exercises which are very good for their new activity. We’ll post more pictures of them doing the activity next time!


Our little pigs and wolves are doing a great job in acting their roles in The Three Little Pigs play. They have improved a lot now in saying their lines, dancing, and doing the actions. They also had some practices of their music performance. Let’s keep practicing and be more ready for the Christmas show!


In math, they completed a worksheet about Ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th. They colored the corresponding position of the pictures to be told by the teacher.


That’s all! Thank you for reading our blog! Have a wonderful weekend!



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