
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Practice Makes Perfect” Meadow- November 16-20

「習うより慣れよ」Meadowより 11月16日から20日



In this week, Meadow class has started practicing for the Christmas Show performance. Our practice is getting better and better each and every time. During our practices, we develop our listening skills, communication skills, social skills as well as our cognitive skills. We try to remember the lyrics of the songs, “I’m A Little Snowman” and Jingle Jingle Little Bell” and the dance moves. We hope to sing and dance in front of the audience on the day. 

今週、Meadowクラスはクリスマスショーの歌、ダンスの練習を始めました。練習は子供達それぞれ、毎回上手になっています。練習の間、子供達は聞く力、話す力認知力と同様に社会性の力も伸ばしています。「I’m A Little Snowman」や「Jingle Jingle Little Bell」の歌詞やダンスの動きも覚えようとしています。クリスマスショーの日に、見に来て下さる方の前で歌ったり踊ったりしたいです。

We had a great time playing in the park with Rainbow and Lagoon class. We enjoyed sliding down the slides, riding on the animal springers, picking up and throwing the autumn leaves up in the air and running around. This outdoor activity is helpful for our gross and fine motor skills.


Meadow class has been learning the Clothes and Body Parts. We did the matching game activity and everyone gladly engaged in the activity. 👏👏👏


Have a safe weekend everyone!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / “Practice Makes Perfect” Meadow- November 16-20