
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Umemulo (Milky Way)

It was a fun week in Milky Way class! We continue to travel around the world and learn about celebrations in different countries. This week we travel to South Africa to learn about a celebration practiced by the Zulu people and it is called Umemulo. Mr. Thapelo came to our classroom to discuss the colorful and intricate culture of South Africa. He discussed the different ethnic groups in South Africa and their traditions. We focused specifically on Umemulo, which is a coming of age celebration for Zulu girls. We watched a video on how they celebrated it in South Africa and it was fascinating! They have this unique tradition of dancing and singing to celebrate this special occasion. It is really interesting to learn about other cultures and our class can’t wait to learn more celebrations from other countries.

引き続きミルキーウェイのみんなは世界を旅して、様々な国のお祝いについて探求をしています。今週は南アフリカに行って「ウーメムーロ」と言われるズールー人のお祝いについて学びました。ISNのスタッフであるMr. Thapelo にミルキーウェイクラスに来てもって、南アフリカの色彩豊かで複雑な文化について教えてもらいました。南アフリカにはたくさんの民族がいて、それぞれの伝統があることがわかりました。その中で、ズールー人の女性が成人を迎える際に行うウーメムーロというお祝いについてビデオを見せてもらいました。ウーメムーロの日は、女性たちが歌やダンスでその特別な日をお祝いします。とても魅力的なお祝いでした!日本以外の国の色々なお祝いを学ぶことはとっても興味深く、今後他の国の文化について学ぶのもとても楽しみです。

In Gym, students are developing their flexibility by doing some fun exercise routines. Even though the gym is already getting colder, it doesn’t stop the Milky Way kids from having fun and enjoying the physical activities prepared by Ms. Airi. We practiced doing some back rolls and cartwheels and although this task is a bit challenging for most of them, the students seem to enjoy practicing and doing it over and over again.


Thank you for reading our blog! Have a safe and fun weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Umemulo (Milky Way)