
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Colorful Week at School! (Aurora April 27-May 1)

Kids go where there is excitement, they stay where there is love. (Zig Ziglar)


Who would have thought that the month of April was over? As if it were just few days ago since our boys and girls moved to Aurora class. We are very proud of how they grow every single day!


This week, Aurora students were engaged to fun and colorful activities!

First, we made a Koinobori craft. Koinobori are carp-looking wind socks that Japanese people hang up to decorate on Children’s Day (Tengo no Sekku) which is celebrated on May 5th each year. Children’s Day is a day to celebrate the happiness of children and to honor mothers.

In this craft, we drew the eyes of the fish, carefully glued the colorful scales on the paper following the lines on it, and pasted long strip of papers at the back which serve as its tail. Look at those lovely Koinobori!


Next, we got our hands dirty with paint! Soak their hands in the paint, stamp them on the paper, and there! You’ve got your handprints! This activity is in line with our UOI lesson, comparing the sizes of our hands. Whose hands are small? big? My hands are small/big! After that, we measured the length of our hands using cubes blocks. My hands are 5/6 cubes long. We also counted our fingers. I have 10 fingers. With these activities, we proved that “We can be the same and different.”

先週に引き続き「This is my body」(LOI1)を探求しています。私たちは同じところも違うところもあるんだということを学んでいます(セントラルアイディア)。このアクティビティでは自分の手の大きさをお友達と比べてみることをしました。近くのお友達と手を合わせて比べてみます🙏 一人一人に自分の手のサイズはお友達と比べてどうだったかを聞きました。「自分の手は大きい!」「自分の手は小さい!」「自分の手はお友達と同じ!」色々な答えがありました。英語で”My hands are big” “My hands are small” と言う練習をしながらアクティビティをしていきます。お友達と比べっこした後は自分の手形スタンプは何ブロック(数)あるか、何本の指があるかを1人ずつ確認していきました。

In phonics, our focus is the uppercase letter B. Aurora completed a letter B puzzle, learned the sound of the letter and words such as ball, balloon, bell, bus, banana, and boy. They also practiced writing this letter by tracing the broken lines following the number guides 1, 2, and 3.


Finally, our big boys and girls started walking to the park last Monday. Safety first is safety always! We have some rules to follow when walking on the street such as always look forward, hold our partner’s hand, walk on the side of road, stop when hear the whistle blown by the teacher. When crossing the streets, we raise our hands up and walk silently. When crossing the intersection, we need to check the pedestrian crossing signal. When red light is on, we stop and wait. When it turns green, we raise our hands up and keep on walking to the other side of the road. We also had some rules to follow when playing and using the structures at the park. It is very important to remind our children with the safety rules before they do any activity, especially when it’s outdoor, to avoid any accident/incident. They seemed to like this park and enjoyed playing with one another!


And oh, we’ll have a long holidays! Have an awesome time with your families!



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