
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Super Readers and Writers

As we end our final unit we reflect on what we’ve learned and apply it. They have learned so much this unit so it’s important to reflect on that so they can take the information they’ve acquired and bring it with them to Milky Way.

We also got to answer everyone’s questions they had on the wonder wall. Some were able to answer their own questions from what they’ve learned while others use the information they have learned to answer their friend’s questions. It has been very fun teaching this unit and seeing how the students have showed us what they’ve learned.

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The students have been having a lot of practice with phonics lessons this week. They made vowel shields last week to use during this unit in phonics to help them recognize vowels and where to use them. This week they practiced writing three letter words with vowels in the middle. They sorted vowels into categorizes, spelled them, and corrected other people’s writings. They’ve gotten a lot more confident in their spelling and writing through these activities.

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We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

みなさん、こんにちは!新型コロナウイルス感染防止のため外遊びが園庭のみと限られている中でも、Shooting Starのお友達は室内でも体を動す遊びをしたり、最終ユニットのまとめと復習をしたりと、しっかりと楽しんでいます。

Unit 4 ”Sharing the Planet”も先週で終わり、今週はこの3か月で子どもたちから出されたwonders(疑問や質問)についてクラス全員で考えました。動物の生活についてや、水や地球の動きなど自然についての疑問、一つひとつに答えることができました!


クラフトの時間では、St. Patrick’s Dayをテーマにシャムロック(クローバー)の工作をしました。工作ボンドで線を描き、その上から塩を振りかけます。しっかりとボンドを塩で覆ったら、その塩に絵の具をつけていきます。そうすると、塩を通して色水がスーっと広がり、違う色ときれいに混ざります。塩がつくる不思議な現象に子どもたちも大喜び!! プチ実験のような工作を楽しみました。


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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Super Readers and Writers