
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Caring For The Earth (Shooting Star February 17 – 21)

We started a new line of inquiry this week, how we can help the planet. Our first activity was to get the students thinking. We did a mind map for how we can help the planet. The students came up with ideas of what they can do. Some said we can clean the oceans, stop cutting trees and so on. Afterwards we watched some videos about kids cleaning parks and oceans.

Later on in the week we had the students draw two pictures. One side had a place that was clean and the other side was the same place but dirty. The students then shared their pictures with the class and discussed how we can make the dirty side clean again. Putting their idea into action, the students picked up trash on the way to the park! They were determined to clean the sidewalk and found different kinds of trash. When we got back from the park, we looked at trash we picked. There were metal, paper and plastic. The students were very happy to help the earth by cleaning the sidewalk they always take!

Finally at the end of the week the students were able to present their work from last week to the class. They did a great job acting and reading their kamishibai. It was wonderful to see them convey their ideas and thoughts about pollution and deforestation.

The students did something new in gym class this week. They got to use hula hoops! They had a lot of fun using them together. We also got to go to a different park this week! They enjoyed the park we went to a lot. It’s nice to be able to change things up every once in a while.

We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!

Unit 4の最終Line of Inquiry “We can help the earth.”に入りました。このLOIの3週間では地球を守る(綺麗にする)ために私たちが実際に実行できることを考え、実践していきます!その初めの週では、今まで学んできた水の汚染や、ごみの問題、森林伐採などについて振り返り、それらの問題を解決するためには何ができるか意見を出し合い、マインドマップを作りました。 そして、身近にある場所の綺麗で清潔な絵と対象に汚れている絵を描きました。Show&Tellではその絵について説明し、”I can pick up trash.” “I can tell to stop the smoke.”などと自分たちにできることを発表しました。

週の終わりには、いつもお散歩に行く公園までの道のりをゴミ拾いをしました!プラスチックの包装容器やティッシュ、タバコの吸い殻、金属など様々なものをたくさん見つけ、積極的に拾うことができました!スクールに戻ってきて拾ったものを開けてみてみると、子どもたちは”It’s very dirty!” “The fish might eat it!” “Trash will go to the ocean!”などと、もしもゴミがそのまま捨てられていたらどうなっていたのか想像して、悲しいね、良くないよね、といった会話をしていました。さらには、”I want to clean around my house when I go home today!”お家に帰ったら周りのゴミ拾いをする!といった発言もありました。


また、ジムレッスンではフラフープを使った新しい運動を楽しみました。今週はいつもとは違う公園にバスで行き、新しい遊具でも遊ぶことができました。  3連休ですね!よいお休みをお過ごしください!

[envira-gallery id=”72489″] [envira-gallery id=”72576″][envira-gallery id=”72512″]

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Caring For The Earth (Shooting Star February 17 – 21)