
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star Scientists – Experiments and More!

The Shooting Star class has become scientists looking for answers. Since we started our Wonder Wall, the students have been coming up with a lot of questions. On Monday we got them to think a little deeper.

The class gathered around a table with a bowl of ice. Once everyone was settled we took out the hair dryer and turned it on. We explained that the hair dryer represented the sun. At first it wasn’t very strong and didn’t do much to the ice. Later we brought it closer and made it hotter. The students first were cheering for the sun and wanted the ice to melt. The water level started to rise and the ice was melting faster. After a while we stopped and gathered to talk about what we saw. After talking about it they realized that it wasn’t good and that if the glaciers melted we would lose animals and the water would rise. Afterwards we introduced different kinds of pollution.

We are focusing on learning about air pollution, water pollution, and deforestation. We watched videos, read books, and discussed about all of them. At the end of the week the students worked in groups to create two pictures of a habitat clean and dirty corresponding with the pollution they chose. Next week, we will do some activities about these issues.

We hope you all enjoy the nice weather and have a wonderful weekend!

今週のShooting Starクラスでは子どもたちが科学者になって実験をしたり、汚染などの現状と問題に向き合いました。3つの生き物の生息地、海、空、森にフォーカスして、私たち人間が与えている影響について学びました。海にプラスチックなどのゴミが流れ出て魚や鳥が被害にあっていること、物を作るための工場からの煙や車からのガスで空気が汚れてしまうこと、玩具や紙を作るために伐採される森林の木々。ビデオや本などを見て今世界で起こっていることを知りました。 “Oh no!” “Please stop!” “Don’t cut many trees please!” と、子どもたちはびっくりしながらも、現状を知って自分たちには何ができるか自然と考えるようになりました。



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