
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


What Living Things Need – Shooting Star (Jan 14 – 17)

We had a fun and exciting week! We started off with a fun lesson about what living things need. There are six things but we decided to focus on just a couple. The first day we talked about how living things need food. The students picked an animal that they drew and then figured out what that animal ate. Once they were done they wrote about it and then we placed them all in the Shooting Star studio.

今週はUOI “Sharing the Planet” Central Idea “Nature changes because of living and nonliving things”の Line of Inquiry 1 “Living and nonliving things are different”にフォーカスして探求活動を行っています。まず初めにliving things(生き物)が必要とするものについて学びました。foodに注目して、子どもたちの好きな動物や虫はどんなものを食べるのかを絵に描きました。

The next UOI lesson we talked about different habitats which we incorporated into our open school day on Friday. The students learned which animals live in the different habitats. The next day with the parents, the students picked an animal from the board, drew it and then drew what they ate. After they finished they placed them on the world map where they lived.

次に生き物が必要とするShelter(家や穴などのすみか)をみていきました。Grassland, polar region, forest, ocean, rainforest, desertの6つのHabitat(生息地)が世界のどの地域にあるか、どんな動物や虫がそこで生活しているのか・・・。世界のいろいろなところにいる生き物をを知った後、参観日では生息地ごとにグループに分かれて動物とその食べ物の絵を描きました。お父さんやお母さんと一緒に考えて活動ができて、子どもたちもとても嬉しそうでした! Shooting Starには生き物の世界地図が完成しました!

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Our open school day was so much fun! The students were all so excited to have everyone come visit. We got to show everyone what we do in the mornings graphing the weather and temperature, then our UOI lesson, and finally what we are learning in math at the moment. It was wonderful to have everyone there and share what we are doing in our class and how everyone is growing and learning so much.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / What Living Things Need – Shooting Star (Jan 14 – 17)