
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora gets Creative with Autumn Leaves (November 11-15)

“Autumn leaves are falling to the ground. Orange, yellow, red and brown…” goes our song for the season. 🍂 🍁 🍁

The class went to the park and gathered some lovely autumn leaves. Our bountiful pickings gave us inspiration. We got creative and made animals with the leaves!



This month, we have begun working on alphabet recognition of lowercase letters. We call them partner letters – big letter “A” and small letter “a”. Recognizing lowercase letters builds the foundation for early reading and spelling. Words around us are in upper and lowercases, including our names. We are up to Gg this week. We played a little game “Find your partner”. Each student has to find their matching upper and lowercase letters.


The class has been rote counting fluently up to 50 with the help of our number line in class. We also explored the concept of bigger numbers. Which is bigger 2 or 5? We used bean bags to count the exact quantities as well.


We have started practicing for our Christmas Show play “The Gingerbread Man”. Each student has a few speaking lines, actions and dance routines to work on. Aurora has been fantastic with remembering the lines and actions. Keep up the good work! 😍 The class has a music performance too with castanets and bells to the Christmas carol “Deck the Halls”.

クリスマスショーで発表する劇、「The Gingerbread Man」の練習を始めました。クラスの一人一人が短い台詞を言い、歌に合わせてダンスをするパートがあります。オーロラさん達は、自分が言う台詞や動きを覚えるのがとても早いです!ショー当日まで、もっと大きな声で自信を持って台詞が言えるよう、練習がんばりましょう!クリスマスショーで発表する合奏「Deck the Halls]の練習も、今週からカスタネットを演奏するお友達と鈴を演奏するお友達に分かれて始めました。当日をお楽しみに!

In Aurora, we work hard and we play hard. Our imagination fuels our play and grows our vocabulary too! Conversations with teachers and peers during play provide the best opportunities for adding to our vocabulary. In class, we make “long fire engines”, “rescue aeroplanes”, “bus for animals”, “swimming pool with many slides”, “ice cream and juice shop” and “a strong brick house like in the Three Little Pigs”! Till next Monday, have a fun-filled weekend.



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