
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora’s Harvest Time! October 15-18

We dug and we planted 🌱.  We weeded and we waited. From summer rains to the cool of autumn, our dear sweet potatoes 🍠 grew and fattened. Then came Harvest Time! Aurora dug and pulled. We bagged all the little sweet potatoes home we did!


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In the Gym too Aurora moved like sweet potatoes. The gym coach instructed the students to stretch their arms over their heads then roll over on the mats like sweet potatoes.


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For Math, we reviewed our number recognition and sequencing. This week each student had a set of number cards from 1 to 10. They tried to arrange them in order from 1 to 10. Most of Aurora could do it independently. Well done!

数の学習では、数字の認識と順序に並べる活動の復習をしました。1~10までの数字が書かれたカードを一人ずつ持って、1から順に数字を並べました。ほとんどのお友達が一人で並べる事が出来ていました!Well done!

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We have been singing along to our Halloween Songs too. For our upcoming Halloween Party, we have chosen the very catchy rock tune “Halloween Stomp”! Enjoy the video song below. Till next Monday, have a great weekend.

今月末に開かれるハロウィンパーティーで歌う、ハロウィンの歌を歌っています。ロック調のリズミカルな曲、「Halloween Stomp」という曲です。下記のビデオを参考に、お家でも是非歌ってみてください。


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