
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest (Sept. 30 – Oct. 4)

Welcome to our blog this week and another week of exploring and learning things in class.
In phonics we continued our class goal of improving our writing and English skills. To accomplish this we looked at contractions and the different ways you can use them. The students matched the contractions with the words that make them. The students also practiced asking others what they were good at doing. Then they had to write the answers using these contractions we have been looking at in class. This was good speaking practice and writing practice as well as working in teams to complete this goal. Additionally, to help them get more practice with using contractions, we played games using the contractions that helped them think more about and have fun using these words.
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In UOI we reviewed the importance of teamwork. We accomplished this by performing various activities in class. the first activity we did in class was building a tower with spaghetti. This was important to our UOI as the students needed to work with each other and use teamwork as best they could to complete the activity.
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Another activity we did in class was working together in teams to build a castle in a picture. The other team had to watch and observe the team building and write down what good or bad team work they saw. The importance of these activities was to have the students work together and use the different parts of teamwork needed to accomplish a goal.
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The students also made a teamwork Y-chart in class to look at different aspects of what is apart of teamwork. After listening to a story as well a video. They had to use all the information done so far and write down how does teamwork look, feels like, and sounds like. This was important as it let them explore the concept of what makes teamwork. Then they had to combine their effort into a group Y-chart so the class could have a big overview of the concept of teamwork.
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I was really impressed how everyone did at sport festival. It was really fun to see all the energy from everyone. Great job!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest (Sept. 30 – Oct. 4)