
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star 9 – 13

We have had a fun and busy week in Shooting Star. We’ve been doing a lot with phonics and writing. The students worked on their letter books sorting H and non-H words into their books. We’ve also been practicing writing some jump out words for our next class book. This one will be about things we see and look at.
そんな中、SSのお友達はフォニックスとライティングの練習をたくさんしました。フォニックスでは、”H” Bookをつくりました。Hから始まる単語とそうでない単語を分けて本をつくりました。また、Jump Out Wordsという頻出単語の”look” “see” “at”をたくさん練習したので来週はみんなで1冊の本を作ろうと思います。
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We had two opportunities to go to the park this week. It’s so nice to go outside now that the weather is cooling down. The second time we went to the park we had a fun event before going. The Nagisa fire station came with their fire engine to help with our fire drill. The students had so much fun!
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Math was exciting this week. We started adding this week. At first we started just adding up to 5, but the students did so well we decided to add up to 10.
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The class has been doing great and we are very proud of them all. Thank you and have a wonderful long weekend.
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star 9 – 13