
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon August 19-23

We’re back after a weeklong holidays! Hope you had a great time with your family!
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This week, we continued our discussion about 3 Rs which is REUSE that means use the items again more than once. The examples of items that we can reuse are paper/plastic bags, newspaper, and plastic/glass bottles. We don’t throw them away, instead use them again as meaningful as we used them like in the first time.
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For vocabulary development, our focus is about people works/such as teacher, doctor, farmer, and tailor. When we talked about teacher, they were able to say “teacher Ms. Fronie” and they also mentioned the names of other teachers in ISN. We also found out that some of the Canyon’s parents are a doctor. We’ll find out more job vocabularies next week and see if they can tell what are the jobs of their parents!
For literacy development, we focus on the letter R! Canyon were able to color , read, and write this letter on their own.
単語力を養うため、今月は「色々な仕事」の言葉を覚えています。今週紹介したのは、 teacher(先生)、 doctor(医師)、 farmer(農業者)、  tailor(洋服の仕立人)です。「先生」について話した時には、Ms.Fronieの名前や、ISNにいるその他の先生の名前も言うことが出来ました。また、みんなのお父さんやお母さんの中にはお医者さんが何人かいることがわかりました。来週はもっとたくさんの仕事を紹介し、みんなのお父さんお母さんがどんな仕事をしているのか聞いてみたいと思います。
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Our Music lesson went smoothly. Canyon students can now follow instructions well and do activities without much interuption which shows being principled and open-mindedness!
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In the gym, we practiced for the upcoming Sports Festival on September. Canyon students used up much energy that day and made them drink a lot of water/tea to regain their energy!
Thanks for reading our blog! Have a wonderful weekend!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon August 19-23