
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora July 29-Aug 2

This week we wrapped up our first IB PYP Unit of Inquiry (UOI) on clean and dirty. Each student was given an activity sheet and tasked to sort out cut-out photographs. They had to paste the photographs in two categories – clean, dirty. The students did well and were even able to say “clean sea, dirty beach, dirty hands, clean room”. Good job! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Next month, we start on the second UOI on the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Thank you Parents for providing the styrofoam food trays! The next UOI will still be under the same Transdisciplinary Theme “How we organise ourselves” and Central Idea “We can clean up after ourselves.”
7月初めから取り組んできたUOI(探究の単元)であるClean and Dirtyも今週で終わりになります。仕上げとして、写真の切り取りをCleanとDirtyに仕分けて貼るアクティビティーをしました。子供達はCleanとDirtyを理解し写真を分けるだけではなく、「Clean beach, Dirty beach/Clean hands, Dirty hands/ Clean room, Dirty room」としっかり言うことも出来ました!素晴らしい👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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We had more wonderful photo-sharing by Aurora students. They showed how they can clean up at home. They could say “I can fold my shirt” and “I can fold my towel”. They even demonstrated the above. Thank you! Our Show and Tell session always starts with the student saying “Good morning Aurora” to which the class replies “Good morning ____”. We close the session with the class saying “Thank you for sharing” and the student replies, “Thank you for listening”. We also have a little Question, Comment and Answer section. We had some good questions from the class! Do you have more towels at home? Why do you fold your shirt? Help is always at hand as the teacher prompts or helps with sentence phrasing.
クラスでみんなの前で発表する時は必ず「Good Morning オーロラ!」そしてクラスは「Good Morning (名前)」と返します。そして発表の最後には「Thank you for sharing」とクラスが言うと発表者が「Thank you for listening!」と返しています。
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Free play is vital for practising social skills, using imagination and acquiring vocabulary too. In Aurora, free play is lots of fun and sounds like this… “Look Ms Serena, train. Teacher: Oh you made a train (blocks), a Shinkansen? Ah, a bullet train! Student: Yes, it’s a bullet train.”
Another student made a tower with interconnecting soft blocks. The teacher joined in. “Tokyo Tower?” The student nodded. “Tokyo Tower,” he repeated. The teacher suggested, “Let’s make it taller!”. The student agreed, “Taller, yes!”
フリープレイの時間は社会スキル、想像力や覚えたばかりの単語を磨くのにとてもいいチャンスです。オーロラではフリープレイをとても楽しんでいます。「見て、Ms Serena!電車!」「(ブロックを並べて作られた電車を見て)新幹線かな?あ!特急かな」などとても楽しそうに遊んでいます。
他の生徒はソフトブロックを立体的に組み立てて「東京タワーかな?」と聞くと、頷きながら「東京タワー」と繰り返し、「もっと高くしようか?」の提案に大喜びで自分よりも高い塔を作りました。恐竜の誕生日パーティー (♪「ハッピバースデー・ディア・ダイナソー」と歌ってました!)や動物のピクニックなどとてもクリエイティブで、見ていてとても微笑ましいです。
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We sneaked in a morning’s play in the schoolyard. The students missed the castle and sandpit. And play hard they did!
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Till next Monday, have a great weekend. Do join us for Saturday’s Matsumoto Bon Bon. ISN is number 49. Aurora has been practising the dance in class too. Thank you Ms Atsuko!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora July 29-Aug 2