
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star July 22 – 26

Hello everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful week. Shooting Star has been having a lot of fun doing activities and going on a field trip this week. The field trip was so exciting! We started learning about buildings for helping people and decided to take the students to the fire station. Here they learned about what the firefighters do and what vehicles they drive. The students also were able to try on the uniforms.
Buildings for helping peopleということで、人を助ける建物ということで消防士さんがどんなお仕事をするのか、どんな車に乗るのかをお話聞いてきました。本物のユニフォームを着せていただき、消防車の運転席と助手席にも乗ることができました!
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For math we continued our measuring activity. The students filled in a graph showing the different sizes of the items they measured. While some students colored in the graph, other students continued going around in pairs measuring different items around the classroom. They chose so many different things to measure. It was great to see their commitment to the activity and how much they enjoyed it.
算数は先週に引き続き、Measuring 物を測る ことをしました。measuring graphを完成させ、教室にある物の長さをものさしで測ることを楽しみました。
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The craft this week was exciting! We combined science and craft together. Last week the students used water and flowers to make colored water and then we froze the water. This week we took the water out of the freezer to see what would happen to the water and how it would change. As the water melted the students used the water to paint. When they were done we put the ice in measuring cups to see how much water there would be once everything melted. They were excited to check and see how much water there was the next day. Since the weather has gotten hot it’s been nice to stay in the classroom and play with the ice to keep ourselves cool.
クラフトでは、冷凍庫に入れたお花の色水がどうなったか、観察をしました。ほっぺに当てて”It’s cold!”と感じたり、”It’s melting!” “I see bubbles coming out!”と手の熱で氷が解ける様子をみていたり、最後にはその色水で紙に色を塗りました。
Please take care in the hot weather and have a great weekend.
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star July 22 – 26