
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow June 10-14

Welcome to Rainbow!
It has been a wonderful week with lots of discoveries and fun learning activities.
First, we had a guest from one of the parents of ISN who gave us a short lecture of how important the teeth are and how to brush them  properly. It was very informative and the children were very interested  listening to her talking.
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For our lesson, we have been reviewing letters F to J which will continue for the entire month of June. We focused on letters H and I this week. We did a letter fishing game activity which Rainbow members loved participating. For numbers, we almost mastered counting 1 to 10 and we continue doing number recognition based on our activities. We have also learned more about transportations (rocket, bus, police car, ambulance and fire engine). We liked singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Everyone sang with delight on their face. We also read a book “Uh-oh, I’ m Sorry “ to practice good manners especially when we do something wrong which makes others sad. It’s a simple phrase, but very apologetic word which everyone needs to learn and as far as Rainbow is concern, we understand it.
クラスのレッスンでは、アルファベットのFからJまでを復習しました。FからJまでの5つを今月は学んでいきます。今週はHとIにフォーカスしました。letter fishing game activityをして、アルファベットの認識を高めました。子供たちはこのアクティビティーが大好きで、皆興味を示して活動に積極的でした。数字についても1から10までの数はほぼ完ぺきに出来るようになりました。引き続き、学んでいきます。
また、乗り物についても引き続き学び、今週は新しい乗り物の名前を学びました。 (rocket, bus, police car, ambulance and fire engine)Row, Row, Row Your Boatというお歌もクラスで導入し、楽しく歌っています。 “Uh-oh, I’ m Sorry “という本も先生が読み、ごめんねという大切さを皆で学びました。
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We also had a great time in the park. Even in the park we also integrate our learning in the class through  counting when we take turns. We understand also the importance of waiting and sharing. And we usually have free conversations when playing in the sandpit. We love pretend play!
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More fun learning activities are coming up next week. Continue reading our blog and see how our little ones are doing at school.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow June 10-14