
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow April 22-26

In Minami Rainbow this week, we have introduced some vocabulary for feelings (sad, happy, angry, and sleepy) It’s good to hear that a few of our youngsters could tell what they feel.
今週のレインボーでは、sad, happy, angry, sleepyなどのフィーリング(感情)を表現する言葉を学びました。数名のお友達からすでに英語での表現を聞くことが出来ています。
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Koinobori festival is coming very soon. To enliven the event, we made a Koinobori fish for our craft. We sticked on the eye 👁 and mouth 👄 then we scribbled using crayons 🖍 with different colors.
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We have been learning the alphabet (A, B, C, D, and E). We read the Alphabet book and we did a matching game activity by putting the same alphabet in the basket. Everyone did a great job!
A, B, C, D,  Eのアルファベットを今週は学びました。ABCの本を読み学び、その後、同じアルファベットの貼っているバスケットの中にアルファベットを入れるマッチングゲームで定着を図りました。みんなとてもよく出来ました。
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We also reviewed the colors by reading a story, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear”という本をクラスで読み、色の復習もしました。
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Have a wonderful golden week everyone.
Matsumoto-city, English Nursery, English Kindergarten, Children, English Conversation, 2 years old, 2 year old class, Nursery, Nursery Class, International School

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow April 22-26