
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow March 11-15

Rainbow had so much fun together this week. We played with snow using sandpit toys and we made a teeny-tiny snowman. We were so lucky playing with snow before the winter was finally over. In this kind of outdoor activity, we always remind ourselves how important sharing is and our little ones are keen on it.
春目前、雪が降り雪遊びをしました。砂場のオモチャで型抜きをしたり小さな雪だるまを”I’m a little snowman”の曲に合わせて目や鼻をつけて作りました。今シーズンはあまり雪が降らなかったので子ども達も大喜び。オモチャは、シェアする事を忘れずにみんなで一緒に使いました。
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We had Mr. Kevin, a new teacher in Nagano campus who visited in our class. He is very nice and everyone in Rainbow likes him. He read a story for us, “The Big Hungry Bear” which we enjoyed listening to. We had a great time with him. Thank you Mr. Kevin.
長野キャンパスの先生、Mr.KevinがRainbowクラスに来てくれました。彼は、とても優しくて笑顔がステキな先生ですぐに子ども達も慣れて名前を呼んで一緒に遊び始めました。”The Big Hungry Bear”と言う本を読んでくれたのですが、男性の声に迫力が増しみんな真剣に聞いていました。あっという間の2日間でしたが新鮮でとても楽しい日が過ごせました。Thank you Mr.Kevin!!
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We walked to the park! It was good seeing the trains go by and waving our hands to them. We glanced the captain smiling and waving over us. At the park, we enjoyed playing on our favorite spots-slides and swings. We were free playing with our peers.
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For our class lesson, we worked on the last four letters, W, X, Y, and Z. Surprisingly, they could recognize each letter and could tell their sound. We also worked on counting 1-30 and number recognition, 1-20. Our little ones are good at numbers.
Before the week have  ended, we had a birthday party. Mr. Daniel read a story for us and we sang a Happy Birthday song together.
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In the afternoon, we had a yummy cake for snack. We enjoyed every single bite. Before we sang the goodbye song, we gave our heartfelt message to one of Rainbow members who is leaving ISN. Everyone said, “Goodbye” and “We will miss you”. We thank you for drawing everyone in the class!
誕生会の日の午後のおやつは、ケーキです。みんなでテーブルをくっつけてアフタヌーンティーを楽しみました。帰りの会では、ISNを離れてしまうお友達とお別れをしました。 ”Good bye!! We will miss you” 寂しいけどまたどこかで逢おうね!
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Have a lovely weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow March 11-15