
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora January 15 – 18

We have had a great week of learning and having fun! Tuesday the students got to practice writing some lowercase letters and did a craft. The craft was a traditional New Years game where the students put body parts on a face blind-folded. Their friends told them where to put them saying left, right, up, or down.
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After gym on Wednesday we continued our UOI about sharing the planet. We introduced two new animals and the students were able to put all the animals in the right habitat except for three. They did an amazing job!
水曜の体操教室の後には、Sharing the Planet(地球の共有)に関するUOIのレッスンをしました。今回は2つの動物を新たに紹介して、オーロラさん達はほとんど全ての動物を正しい生息地の紙に貼り付けることが出来ました。Good job!!
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Thursday and Friday we continued the UOI about animals. We showed the students videos about different kinds of animals and where they live. As we continue talking about the habitat, the students are also learning geography. They can tell us what country a habitat or animal can be found. After our lessons we went to the park and had a lot of fun playing there.
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We hope you all have a wonderful weekend

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora January 15 – 18