
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora December 17 – 21

We have had a fun week getting ready for Christmas! The students have been very excited and ready for Christmas to come. We had our last Christmas lesson before the holiday and during the lesson we read the book, “The Night Before Christmas”. It’s a very popular book in the States and we thought it would be fun for them to hear the story.
みんなが楽しみにしているクリスマスが近づいてきました。三連休の前に、最後のクリスマスレッスンを行い、 “The Night Before Christmas”という絵本を読みました。クリスマス前日の様子を描いたアメリカではとても有名な本で、みんなにも知ってもらいたいと思い読みました。
Monday, Thursday, and Friday we walked to the park. We had no music class so we decided to take a trip to the park instead. The students have been doing a great job being independent and putting their jackets on by themselves before leaving for the park.
Wednesday we had a gym lesson and had fun playing a Phonics game. Every other day we have been switching between phonics lessons and math lessons during the afternoon routine. They are starting to recognize not only upper case letters, but also lower case letters. It’s great to see the students improving every week!
水曜日は体操教室があり、その後フォニックスの楽しいレッスンをしました。Afternoon Circle Timeでは、一日おきにフォニックスと算数のレッスンをすることにしました。アルファベット大文字だけでなく、小文字も認識出来るようになってきました。毎週のように上達する姿が見られ、うれしく思います。
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Friday was our school birthday party! There were so many December birthdays. Ms Aiza was in charge of the party this month and it was really fun. The students were all able to dance. She taught us all some zumba moves. It was so much fun!
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We are also finishing our third unit this week. The students have learned and remembered so much from this unit. Their communication skills have improved greatly, but there is always room for improvement. We are all life long learners.
We hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend and a Merry Christmas!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora December 17 – 21