
Shimauchi Preschool


Learning about fractions in Rainforest

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Winter is almost here and you may have seen light snow this morning when you woke up. This week Rainforest have started learning about fractions by dividing squares into halves, quarters and eighths. We also used counters to divide groups into halves, thirds and quarters.

Our Christmas Show practise continues to improve and students are finally using loud voices to deliver their lines. We will sing “Santa Claus is coming to town” so if you can play it at home from Youtube, students can practise the words.

In writing, we have done more rhyming with -ump, -ill and -ink, and -eet/-eat. Next week I will check how well they can spell which is the purpose of learning all these rhyming words. Today I will send home new Reading A-Z books to please help them read at home every day if possible.

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