
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora October 1 – 5

This week has been a very fun week. Monday we started practicing for the Christmas performance. We are all practicing clapping first then we will move on to instruments later this month.
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Wednesday Ms Shizuka talked to the students about food. We want to teach them healthy eating habbits so she has been talking about different foods and what they do for us. We asked the students about it during lunch on Thursday and most of them can remember what color group their food was in.
水曜日は、Ms. Shizukaがバランスのとれた食事についてお話をしました。健康に過ごすための食習慣を身につけるため、食べ物をRed food, Green food, Yellow foodに分けて、それぞれの食べ物がどんな役割をするのかを話しました。木曜日のランチタイムに、ランチで出てきた食べ物がどのグループに属しているかを聞いたところ、みんなよく覚えていて答えることが出来ました!
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Thursday we started unit 3 of our transdisiplinary themes how we express ourselves. We will be teaching the students how to communicate in a positive way. First we will talk about words. We are calling these “magic words”. For example; please, thank you, excuse me, etc. Friday I read a story with the students to teach about how our actions and words either make people happy or make them sad. We want them to communicate with their friends in a positive way so we want to give them as many tools as we can to be able to do this well. Afterwards we talked some more about Halloween and then the students went to the park.
木曜日はユニット3 How we express ourselves(私たちはどのように自分を表現できるか)についての学習を始めました。どのようにしたら、お友達や周りの人を悲しませることなくコミュニケーションが出来るかということを学んでいきます。まず最初に、「言葉」について学びます。お友達を悲しませず、喜ばせる言葉を「Magic Wards」と呼びます。例えばplease, thank you, excuse meなどです。金曜日は、どんな言葉や行動が周りの人を喜ばせたり、悲しませたりするのかを 知ってもらうため、一冊の本を読みました。オーロラさんがお友達と仲良く遊べるように、色んな方法を覚えて実践出来るようになってほしいと思います。
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We hope everyone has a nice long weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora October 1 – 5