
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way 02 August 2018

In the last week Milky Way class has completed their Transdisciplinary Theme on Where we are in Place & Time. All students learned a huge new vocabulary of theme-related words by sight as well as in-depth definitions and understandings of the words. They also looked at many other countries and their cultures as well as the history and evolution of eclectic technologies. Their summative assessment in this theme was to choose any outdated technology that has evolved with time, to build it as a craft project and to explain why it has become redundant. Students chose such varied items as original telephones, manual-loading typewriters and black and white televisions.
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The class has been routinely practicing for the upcoming sports festival – practicing primarily their musical, choreographed baton routine but also their passing of the baton for their relay-race.
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In mathematics, the students have begun learning to employ number lines for addition and subtract and concurrently for practicing counting while calculating sums or differences of larger two-digit integers. They have also touched on the ‘place values’ of tens and units.
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In English, the class have been writing daily in their notebooks and are thoroughly enjoying a multitude of daily ‘word-searches’ during their free time. Today, they were introduced to the concept of crosswords and attempted to solve their first one working in groups. Most students found even a simple crossword quite challenging but likewise, most students relished the challenge – guessing what something may be and then ruling out words by a process of elimination while gaining the necessary clues by essential letters from intersecting words. It took most of the afternoon but most students felt a sense of pride once they had it completed.
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Milky Way 02 August 2018