
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow and Meadow June 7-11, 2018

Hello Parents,
Last week, we finished our topic about Family and Body Parts. We ended the said topic by helping Mummy put back her missing body parts. Everyone was very eager to participate in this activity.
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This week’s big event for Rainbow and Meadow is our first bus trip ever to Nambu Park. Our youngsters were very happy playing in the sandpit. They have learned how to play nicely with their friends and how to share toys as well. Some of them enjoyed sliding down the slide and swinging on the swing. They have learned the rules of taking turns. Our angels had lots of fun playing with bubbles. They ran after them with a smile touching  the big and small bubbles with their finger, stomping  on with their foot and popping with their hands. And they rushed through the fence to watch the trains went by.
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Our little ones have  started recognizing the numbers 1 and 2. For our activity, I asked them to pick up the right number of potato on the table. Our dear little ones could recognize the number by choosing the right flash card. Yes, they could recognize and say it at the same time. Well done, Rainbow.
1、2の数字のポテトの絵カードを見て、言った数字のカードを選びました。数字を選ぶのと同時に「one / two」と言う事も出来ました。
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Rainbow and Meadow had Gymnastics together. They liked the new activity which was hopping over the pink hoops like a rabbit. Everyone did their best!
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We have been learning about Transportation (bus, taxi, car, airplane, train, and ship). Our little ones really liked this topic. We sang The Wheels On The Bus together with a smile.
Our youngsters  enjoyed walking to the park. They could tell the name of transport they see everywhere. Outdoor play is always a wonderful activity for them.
レインボーは、”乗り物(バス、タクシー、車、飛行機、電車、船)“を学んでいます。子ども達は、このトピックが大好きで“The Wheels On The Bus”を一緒に歌ったり、お散歩では見つけた乗り物を言い合ったりしました。戸外には、子ども達にとって素晴らしいアクティビティがたくさんです。
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Have a great weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow and Meadow June 7-11, 2018