
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest learns more about team games

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In our current IB unit we are learning about how “people share responsibility in order to achieve a common purpose”.
So we tried playing the human knot game again this week with only 7 people in each team and it was mostly a success!
We also played a game with a small hula hoop and 7 students in each team, the purpose of the game was to see who could
get their hula hoop over the shoulders, heads and under the legs of each person without letting ho of their team’s
hands. It was a little tricky but the students had fun working together. Ohe of the IB attitudes we are focussing on,
cooperation, has been demonstrated a little more in the class since starting this unit.
Ms Rieko taught some of the students a relay game using a big bouncy ball that was enjoyable for Natsu, Koumei, Kenichi,
Tsukasa and Ouka. In math we learned more about different shapes and created owls with the bodies formed by different 2D
shapes. We will finish this unit in the middle of next week but the students have been taking on more responsibility with
keeping the classroom clean and tidying up faster. I have noticed children being more proactive with remembering to bring
their readers and trying to eat more of their lunch because we have talked about what food is healthy and important for
us to eat. Learning about self management skills has been important in relation to taking on the jobs in the class with
many students enjoying having a daily role.

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