
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way July 18 – 21

We had a very energetic week!
On Wednesday we had a gym open day and loved to have our parents watching us practicing for the Sports Festival.
We will need to practice harder for it especially in the Ribbon Performance and relay.
After the sweaty hot hour at the gym, we cooled down ourselves in the school pool.
What a fun to splash water to each other and swimming freely in the water! They had a kind of smile that can only be seen during this special pool time!
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As for the unit of inquiry, we are now moving on to the study of “place” in the theme of “Where We Are in Place and Time.” On Friday we explored our city, Matsumoto and going beyond Nagano, Japan, Asia, and even to the earth!
Thanks to Google Map, we got extremely excited about looking at the street view around ISN and some friends’ houses, and we felt like we were flying as the map showed the world. We couldn’t help screaming with fun and surprise.
Many students begged Ms Sayo to search for their houses, but because we did not have enough time, it will be appreciated if the parents just quickly open Google Map and explore with them at home.
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We had a trip to Matsumoto Castle and Nakamachi Street on Friday!
The trip was held to explore something old. As we walked down the street to the castle, we found an old book store with some old books, old map, and old buildings. At Mastumoto Castle, the English speaking guide kindly explained us the history of the castle and structure of it.
At Nakamachi Street we had fun playing with the water sprinkle at the small museum and tried the old water pump. It was a cool down moment after a long hot day.
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Feeling like that 4 days at school passed very quickly, we will get ready for the presentation next week!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Milky Way July 18 – 21