
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way June 5 – 9

This week in Milky Way, we had a lot of fun!
On Monday we had a fun learning time with Elementary Class and Rainforest in the morning.
Mr Lance dropped a lot of pet bottle lids from the top of the ladder and we saw a pet bottle lids waterfall!
With a help from Elementary Class students, Milky Way students counted and packed them in a bag of 100.
We were very amazed to see how much they have collected and enjoyed counting with the older students.
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At the gym lesson, the teachers introduced us what performance we are going to do on the Sports Festival.
Either Ribbon or Flag, we are not sure but we sure will enjoy playing and practicing it!
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On Friday, as we are learning about Fact Families in the math lesson, we made our own Fact Family Neighborhood.
They got the concept of the fact families very quickly and were able to do the additions well.
The houses are very unique and cute. If you have chance to come to KK campus, please take a look at our wall outside the classroom.
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Special field trip to WATAHAN in Shiojiri happened on Friday!
They were very nice to show us around in the back of the store, where there were a big storage room and some rooms for cutting vegetables, fish and meat.
Very surprised and amazed, we enjoyed the whole afternoon in a different place from school.
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Monday is our Bus Trip day! Please remember to bring everything with you!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Milky Way June 5 – 9