
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow May 29-June 2

Hi Parents!
I’m so glad to inform you that separation anxiety of our toddlers this time is lesser than before. Now they come to school and enter the classroom with smile on their face. Some of them can unpack their backpack and put their things away by themselves.
This week has been filled with meaningful learning activities. On Monday, we had a Music lesson. Our toddlers are now beginning to sing with their loud voice, follow the teacher’s actions and clap their hands. We have been learning about numbers from 1 to 10, alphabets, colours and body parts. We are amazed how the learning progress of our toddlers is being developed. On Tuesday, we made the necktie craft for the upcoming Father’s Day. I’m sure Daddies love it! After making the craft, we played in the sandpit and some of them drew something on the ground while enjoying the lovely weather. On Wednesday, we had a Gym lesson. The activity that they enjoyed the most were the racing and playing with the large parachute which comes in different colors. They can’t help themselves but smile everytime they play with it. Thursday was the very exciting day for them because we had our first field trip ever. They were excited to get on the bus and while we were on our way to Yoshikawa park, they were singing happily the songs we’re singing at school. Upon arrival at the park, we immediately had our snack then we sent them to the play structure. They got lots of fun climbing on the structure and sliding. When the time was up oh no! some of them didn’t want to leave the park. On our way back to school, a few of them dozed off on the bus. And yes! they were so delighted opening their lunch box during lunch time and were happy eating the food you prepared for them. Thank you, parents, for taking the time to prepare it. They loved it so much. On Friday, we finished our craft by sticking on their lovely photo on the necktie they made and guess what? They were so delighted to see their craft. Then they played in the playroom.
We took a lot of photos in all of our activities this week, but sorry if you can not see them now because the ISN web page is recently revitalize. This is the reason why you are not seeing any photos at the moment.
More exciting activities are coming up for our toddlers next week.
Have a great weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow May 29-June 2