


Bus Trip(Meadow- October 3-7)

Hello everyone,

It was pleasant weather a perfect day for our bus trip. When kids came in the morning, they talked with their friends “My mom/dad packed lunch for me!”


We arrived at the park safely and the kids were thrilled to play. We sat down on the lawn and ate our snack and continued with the activity we planned for the day. The park is known for the SL train which is at the center area of the park. We walked around and see how big and cool is the SL. Then we proceed to play in the slide area. Some of the kids say ” I’m scared!” but with the kindness of older friends, they were able to enjoy sliding down the slide. The fun continues when the teacher started blowing bubbles. Kids rushed to catch and chase them, as bubbles were blown up and down, near and far. Time flies and we went back to school with smiles since mom and dad’s packed lunch was waiting. They were surprised to open them with their favorite foods inside. The day was full of contentment, moved a lot, played a lot, and enjoyed yummy food. We would like to thank to parents for preparing for the children’s needs. Thank you for your cooperation.


その後は滑り台で遊びました。「こわい〜!」と言う子もいましたが、優しいお友だちがフォローしてくれて、みんなで楽しく滑り降りることができました。先生がシャボン玉を吹き始めると、楽しい時間はまだまだ続きます。上へ下へ、近くへ遠くへとふわふわ飛ぶシャボン玉を、子どもたちは夢中でキャッチしたり追いかけたりしていました💕 時間はあっという間に過ぎ、お父さん、お母さん作ってくれたお弁当の待つスクールに戻りました。 開けてみると、中には好きな食べものが入っていて、びっくりしたようです。たくさん動いて、たくさん遊んで、おいしいものを食べて、充実した一日でした。子どもたちのために準備をしてくださった保護者の皆さまに感謝いたします。ご協力ありがとうございました。

Halloween Craft

In preparation for the fast-approaching Halloween party, we made a witch craft for the wall display. Our youngsters enjoyed stamping their hands with white paint to make the witch’s body. Then they stuck on the eyes and hat. The witch hat is done! it’s ready to hang on the wall!

今月末に開催するハロウィーンパーティーのために、壁面に展示する魔女のクラフトを作りました。子どもたちは、手に白い絵の具を塗って手形を取り、魔女の体を作り楽しみました♪ そして、目や帽子を貼り付けて完成です😁 壁に飾る準備万端です♪

Gym day

Days are getting colder. Our youngsters are as active as usual. They sweat a lot stretching and chasing one another during the gym day. This week, we used a small ring rolling, throwing them up, and catching them, and jumping in and out. Have a look at how they enjoyed the activity.

日に日に寒さが増してきていますが、 こども達はいつもと変わらず活発です! ジムではストレッチをしたり、お互いを追いかけたりして、たくさん汗をかきました。 今週は小さなリングを転がしたり、投げたり、捕まえたり、ジャンプして輪に入ったり出たりしました。 活動を楽しんだ様子をご覧ください。

October lesson

Learning the alphabet M&N. Kids participated actively in recognizing the alphabet. We can see hands raising up and big voices shouting Me!, Me! I want to try! We are so proud of you Meadow friends!

今週はアルファベットのMとNを学びました。こども達は手を挙げて「Me!、Me!I want to try!」と大きな声を出して積極的に参加してくれています。 Meadowのみんなを私たちはとても誇りに思います😉

Counting numbers 1-10

This month we are learning counting numbers. We have just started the lesson but most of the kids have confidence coming in front of their friends and facing the numbers on the wall and started counting. Good job, Meadow!

今月は数の数え方を学習しています。 レッスンを始めたばかりですが、ほとんどの子供たちは自信を持ってみんなの前に出て、壁に貼ってある数字と向き合い、数えてくれました。 よくやったね、Meadow!

Big and small.

We are learning about comparing things. We did an activity of sorting Big and small objects. The kids listened to the instructions and they were able to sort objects correctly. They picked up the pictures in the basket and stuck them on the activity wall. Kids say… ” Big house! big cake, big ball! big apple! and small balloon! small ball! small cake! small apple! Well done, boys and girls.


バスケットの中から絵を選び、壁に貼りました。こども達は「Big house!big cake !big ball!big apple! and small balloon! small ball! small cake! small apple…」と口に出します。みんなとてもよくできました!

We were sad to say farewell to our beloved Ms. Mariko. We were grateful to have you in our class. We value a lot the moments we had. We are looking forward for your comeback. We love you🥰

今週末からMs.Marikoが出産・育児のため、お休みに入りました。大好きなMs.Marikoとのお別れはとても寂しいです。私たちのクラスにいてくれてありがとう。一緒に過ごした時間をとても大切に思います。また会える日を楽しみにしています。We love you!

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a fantastic weekend.


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Bus Trip(Meadow- October 3-7)