


We sing and move enthusiastically- Meadow(January 23-27)

Hello everyone,


Here’s another fun week of Meadow class. It has been a freezing week and we spent some of those days indoor. We played with the hoops, and tunnel to keep our body warm. We spread them on the floor and showed to our little ones how to jump and step moving forward and back again in the line taking turns with friends. Some kids played with hoops rolling on the the floor and chased them and some kids pretended to be a driver, holding the hoop like a car’s handle.


Walking to the park. In spite of chilly weather, we always want our little ones to stay active and healthy. Wearing their favorite jackets and lovely mittens inspire them more to walk. Getting fresh air helps the children avoid from getting sick. Playing change the children’s mood and climbing up the play structures put their muscles to work. Some kids asked the teacher “Help me please!” when climbing up however, as long as possible we let them try to grasp and climb up until they reached on top. They seem feeling satisfied and accomplished. Kids also enjoyed chasing the kite the teacher was flying.

寒さに負けず、公園まで歩いて行き遊びました!暖かいジャケットとミトンの手袋がお散歩を楽しくしてくれます!戸外に出て遊ぶことは子ども達の健康にもつながります。外遊びは子ども達の気分転換にもなりますし、遊具に登ったり下りたりは筋力も付きます。”Help me please!”と先生にお手伝いをお願いする子供もいますが、できるだけ最小限のお手伝いで自分でできたを目指します!またお正月遊びの一環として凧揚げも楽しみました!

Transportation. This week, we enjoyed learning the transportation with some activities we did. We showed them the puppet in a flash and and asked them to guess what transport they saw. Kids knew the answers in a flash and raised their hands.


Circle the transportation and count. We stuck on the wall the pictures the transport and asked the children to circle the and count them. They enjoyed it and we noticed that each of the children have different ways of holding the pen. This activity also helps develop their fine motor skills.


Learning Numbers. We incorporate learning numbers with our transport lesson. We used car pictures for counting numbers. Kids enjoyed sticking cars on the road picture on the wall and counted them. Kids were also inspired seeing the giant snowman on the wall and we asked them to help the snowman put on it’s button by sticking on the pompoms. They loved grasping the pompoms and counted them. We also challenged our little ones to recognize small numbers by matching them on the wall. They were able to match the same number and say it in front of their friends. Good job, Meadow!


Music tells us of who we are. We ended the week having our fun music class. Our little ones enjoyed clapping their hands with the rhythm and we can see their feeling of excitement when singing the Japanese songs like “Zutto aiko, and Obento bako no uta”. They sang the songs happily and did the gesture enthusiastically.

今週最後はMusic Lessonとなりました。子ども達は音楽が大好き。リズム取を楽しんだり、童謡や手遊び歌などは特に子ども達の大好きなお歌です。「ずっとあいこ」や「おべんとうばこのうた」は毎回盛り上がります!

We will be having our open day this coming Tuesday, 31st. We are looking forward for your presence and get excited to see how children are doing at school.


Keep warm and have a fantastic weekend.


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / We sing and move enthusiastically- Meadow(January 23-27)