
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – The Christmas Show is almost here (December 4th-8th) 

Hello everyone! 

A few more days now and it’s the long awaited event of the Month – The Christmas Show. I hope you are as excited as all the ISN kids (and the teachers too!). Everyone’s busy preparing, rehearsing and at the same time enjoying the upcoming show. Truly Time flies when you’re having fun!

But before that here are some of the things we did this week. 


For this week we learned about our new monthly theme which is about clothes and the letter U.

We also love singing our new monthly theme song ‘Put On Your Shoes’  by super simple song. 

Kindly watch and listen to the song together.


Last Wednesday we did a Christmas tree craft. That helped the little ones with their fine motor skills by wrapping the yarn around the tree then they choose the color of the pompom they like and stick them wherever they like in the tree. Some kids even help paint the trees. It was a challenging craft but they did a great job.


It’s mostly been sunny days and as usual we go for a walk outside and go to the nearby park and enjoy the outdoors and the playground. We played hide and seek, went up and down the slide, enjoyed the swing and even asked the teachers ‘monster please’ so they can run and scream. They love playing in the sand too. 


Aside from play and fun activities the kids are learning to be independent at school. Daily, the kids are taught to do things by themselves as much as possible. They develop their ability to do things for themselves by daily practicing things like putting the stuff in their backpacks in the classroom’s designated area for like towels, letter holder etc. and their lockers, they learn to clean up together, they line up and wait for their friends during toilet time and or snack and lunch time, they change their PJ’s, they are eager to be line leaders and they encouraged to ask help too if needed. It’s great to see that the kids help each other and they help the teachers too.


The highlight of the week was on Friday when the rainbow class rode the bus going to the Christmas show venue. Everyone was super excited to get on the bus. Once inside we sang the song ‘The wheels on the bus’ it made the bus ride extra fun. When we got to the venue, the kids, especially for those who got to experience it for the first time got a little overwhelmed, yet they were well behaved, the rainbow class practiced with the other ISN kids. Afterwards they did the class performance. Overall they gave their best and everyone would agree they are the cutest. 

We can’t wait for you to see it. So, See you there!  and HO! HO! Hope… you will enjoy the show.

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – The Christmas Show is almost here (December 4th-8th)