


Have fun under the sun- Meadow(March 3-10)

Hello everyone,みなさま、こんにちは。

It’s spring! a season to celebrate! It has been a festive week for our youngsters enjoying the warm sunshine and outdoor play. Walking to the park is becoming enjoyable and has a brighter feeling enjoying the change of season. This week, we went to the park with the Rainbow students. We looked for the spring and our little ones found purple flowers in every corner of the park. Older boys and girls were also kind enough to protect our little ones and played nicely together. THe slide was popular since it was low enough and just fit for their age. Some of the kids had a blast playing with the swing and say “Push me higher and faster please!” They have really grown up!春がやってきました。暖かい春の日差しの中、子ども達は外遊びを存分に楽しみました。歩いて公園に行くことはとても楽しく今週はレインボーのお友達と数回歩いて公園へ出かけました。公園内ではオオイヌノフグリを見つけ春を感じました。紫色の小さなお花を見つけてみんな手に乗せたり摘んだりしました。最近行く公園の遊具はナーサリーのお友だちには高さやサイズが丁度良くて特に滑り台は皆んなに人気です♪ブランコもなかなかの人気で先生にもっとお押してと”Push me higher and faster please!”お願いするお友だちもたくさんいます。みんな大きくなりました!


The breeze is getting warmer and we also spend comfortably indoors. Running around the gym is one of the kids’ favorite things to do. They become very energetic spending a lot of energy stretching, and chasing friends and teachers. This week, we used the long rope, crossing and balancing their bodies. They expend and burn off the excess energy that made them drop off to sleep at the appropriate time.風がだんだん暖かくなってきています。体育館での活動も動き易くなってきました。子ども達のお気に入りの活動の一つはかけっこです。とても活動的に動きストレッチからの追いかけっこを楽しんでいます♪今週は長縄を使った活動をしました。

Reviewing numbers and phonics

We enjoyed our circle time reviewing numbers and phonics. We did some fun activities which encourage our little ones to participate. That helped them develop their self-confidence too. 朝と帰りの会では、これまでの学びの復習をしています。数やフォニックスなど楽しい活動を通して子ども達のクラスでのやる気を高めています!

We have only days left to end the school year. We will enjoy these remaining days and train the kids to get ready to step up for the next level of learning. 今年度も残すところ後わずかとなりました。残りの日々を楽しくすごしながら来年度に向けて準備して行きたいと思っています。

Have a wonderful weekend!良い週末をお過ごしください♪

TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Have fun under the sun- Meadow(March 3-10)