


Our Bus Trip-Shooting Star-May 22nd-26th

Shooting star クラス バストリップへ 5月22日から26日より

Hello Everyone,


Shooting Star class has reached the eighth week of our journey since the beginning of this school year started. For a period of almost two months, there is so much evidence of gradual development skills taking place that enable us to accomplish more complex tasks in our daily school life.

Shooting Star クラスが今年度スタートしてから8週間が経ちました。約2か月の間、スクールでの日々に多くの積み重ねてきた成長が見られ、日頃の以前よりも難しい課題が出来つつあります。

This week we went to the Sky Park for our first bus trip of the school year. As soon as the bus reached to our destination, we got off, lined up and walked to the play structure. After the short orientation, we played the freeze game and What time is it, Mr. Wolf at the spacious grassy field. Luckily while we were playing, we got the chance watching two airplanes taking off and one helicopter landing. That was a wonderful experience that enlivened more of our trip. Then, we moved to the play structure and had everyone played freely with their friends. After an hour of play, it was time to eat lunch. Everyone was excited to show off their lunch box to teachers and friends. The weather was partly cloudy with a fresh, gentle wind and so we decided to have an Al Fresco dining. After lunch, we played a little bit again and when the time was up we went back to school with a wonderful memory in our mind.


This week, as part of our unit of inquiry, we talked about the roles of a daddy at home. Again, thank you parents for sending the checklist back to us with the needed information. Shooting Star class did a survey of the interview by putting on a sticker for every yes and no answer on a big paper and we displayed it on the class wall.

今週、探求の学びの一部として家庭でのお父さんの役割について話しました。またレッスンで必要なワークシートの回答のチェックリストをご返却頂きまして保護者の皆様に感謝申し上げます。Shooting starクラスでは壁に貼った大きな模造紙にYesかNoの欄にシールを貼ってそれぞれの家庭の結果を確認しました。

We learned the CVC words with the am word family like jam, ram, and Sam. This time we used the game to encourage everyone to think creatively. We sat on the chair, formed a circle, and took turn to toss the CVC box. Depending on the side of the box facing up, we sounded the letters one at a time then, said them together to form a CVC word.

子供達はjam, ram, and Samなどの家族に関する言葉でCVCの学びを行いました。今回は子供達に自分達で考えるようにゲームをしました。椅子に座り、輪になってCVCのサイコロを順番に投げました。上を向いている面を見て、読み上げその後みんなで一緒に言って練習しました。

We also had our Music lesson this week. We sang together a couple of songs in Japanese and we tried our best to play do re mi, mi re, do with our fingers.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


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