
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


It’s Halloween! Milky Way 10/23-27

Happy Halloween! Halloween party is one of the most exciting and fun events here in ISN. When October came, everybody in Milky Way started counting the days left before the party. They began to think and share the costumes they wanted to be. As always, they never failed to amaze us with their beautiful and cool costumes! They also enjoyed playing various games at the party and received their treat bags before going home. It was another successful event, so thank you very much, dear parents, for your participation and support not just for your children but also for school! We really appreciate your presence and effort. We hope you also enjoyed the party!

ハッピーハロウィン! ISNで最もエキサイティングで楽しいイベントのひとつ、ハロウィンパーティーがありましたね。10月に入ると、ミルキーさん達はパーティーまでのカウントダウンを始めました😊なりたいコスチュームについてお友達と話す姿もたくさん見られました。みんなとっても素敵でクールなコスチュームでみんなをびっくりさせてくれましたね!また、パーティーではいろいろなゲームを楽しんで、最後はトリートバッグをもらって帰りました🎶保護者の皆様、積極的なご参加、ご協力、本当にありがとうございました!!皆様のご参加とご尽力に心から感謝いたします。パーティーは楽しんでいただけましたでしょうか😊!?

Another special event we had this week was a birthday party! We celebrated the birthday of students who were born in October. In Milky Way, one of our friends celebrated his birthday last September but since he was away that time, he joined October celebrants. They were amazed with the balloon experiment done by Ms. Fronie. They saw another way of inflating balloons using vinegar and baking soda. As the balloons inflate, they see pictures of their favorite cartoon characters which made them more excited. It was a happy experience and birthday party for our October celebrants. Happy birthday to you!!!


In our UOI lesson, we explored the Japanese New Year’s holidays or Shogatsu. This is the most important holiday in Japan. They learned that Shogatsu is from January 1st to 7th and how to greet. Japanese people make their first visit to a shrine to pray. They also discovered games to play in the New Year and one of them is Fukuwarai. Fukuwarai is a Japanese children’s game popular during New Year’s celebrations. Players are led to a table which has a paper drawing of a human face with no features depicted, and cutouts of several facial features. While blindfolded, the players attempt to place the features onto the face in the correct positions. Now, Milky Way students enjoy playing it during IB time.


Another tradition they learned about the Japanese New Year is eating Osechi. They learned the names of the food in the osechi box and their meanings or what they represent. For our activity, they made their own osechi boxes in pairs. They cut the pictures of the food and pasted them in the osechi box. Then, they research the meaning of the food they chose in books and printed materials. Next week, they will have a short presentation of their work in front of the class.


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a nice weekend!


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