


Our Bus Trip to Alps Park-Shooting Star-May 20th-24th


Shooting Star class has engaged into many variety of activities this week and the most exciting part was our Bus Trip to Alps Park. With the park’s wide range of outdoor playground equipment, petting zoo, and plenty of places to explore nature, everyone had a blast.” At lunch time, we opened our delicious lunch box with big smiles. Everyone was excited to show to others what their parents had prepared for them. Thank you dear parents for preparing the lunch boxes with work of art and with an appetizing display. After lunch, we packed up our backpacks and played around the grassy area a little bit and once everyone was ready, we headed towards the long roller slide and we slid cooperatively with so much fun. We are risk-takers! Then, we got on the bus and went back to school with lots of fun memories.

今週はなんといってもバストリップがありました🎵小動物の森では、さるやモルモット、パロットを見て、目がハートに(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ “Look, its a baby monkey”と嬉しそうに眺めていました。さらに、スクールにはない遊具に大喜び!登っては降りて、ジャンプして、みんな思いっきり遊んでいました!

そしてそして、なんといっても、外せないのがお弁当✨✨みんなとっても嬉しそうに”Look! I have a sausage” “I have a broccoli” と見せ合いっこしていました!美味しいお弁当ありがとうございました(人”▽`)


Welcome to our school garden! Shooting Star class planted tomatoes, green pepper and basil. First, we listened to Mr. Toyama’s instructions and then we started digging a hole and set the tomato, green pepper, and basil plants inside, deeper than it was in its original nursery container. We watered them right after and for the coming days, the daily helpers will take turns to water them.


For our unit of inquiry, we talked about the family roles and we mainly focused on mommy’s role. After the class tasks and discussion, the interview sheet was introduced to students and after practicing the questions to be asked to mommy, each one brought the sheet home. Thank you mommies for your cooperation.


Have a safe and fantastic weekend everyone.

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