


Enjoy learning Sea animals-Meadow(July 8th-12th)

Hello everyone,

We had a fun week exploring about our sea animal lesson. Our students had a blast with the activities we did. They loved the “Baby Shark” song and they colored their baby shark hat and wore them while dancing. We stuck on the wall the sea animal pictures and each students spied them using their binoculars and the lens. They are knowledgeable saying the sea animals’ names with confident. They also made the blue sea craft with the sea animals floating on the water. First, they painted the paper plate with blue color and thread using yarn and they colored the sea animal and stuck them on. They had a good fine motor skills by the yarn and inserting to the hole and a good hand and eye coordination focusing on what they were doing. Well done, Meadow! Kids were into “Feeding the Shark” activity. They enjoyed picking the fish and fed the hungry shark.

今週は、「海の生き物」について様々な形で探求する楽しい一週間でした。”Baby Shark”の歌が大好きなメドウさんたちは、ベビーシャークの被り物を作って、それをかぶってダンスをしました。また別の日には壁に貼った海の生き物のイラストを、レンズで発見!なんの生き物が見えたのか、名前を言える子もいました。また、海の生き物が浮かぶ青い海のクラフトも行いました。まず、紙皿に筆で青い絵の具を塗り、毛糸で糸を引き、海の動物にはクレヨンで色を塗って貼り付けました。毛糸を穴に通す手先の器用さと、手と目を使い集中する力が育ちます。難しいアクティビティだったけど、みんな上手にできたね!そしてみんな「サメに餌をあげる」アクティビティにも夢中でした。魚を選んで、お腹を空かせたサメに餌をあげるのを楽しみました。

Amazing students paying attention and listening to the book reading about sea animal.


Meadow students are also into playing with cars. They open minded playing with the cars they love and played on the car ramp.


Students enjoying the EBI KANI dance exercise.


Thabk you for this. Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday.


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