


Rainforest and Communication: July 18-21

Our inquiry into conflict made us think of WHY conflict happens. I’m angry he snatched the toy! I’m upset. It’s my turn, not his turn! He didn’t follow the rules! Why are they having an argument? Why are they disagreeing with one another? Rainforest though long and hard. From our discussions, we realised that sometimes we think of only ourselves and we are not sharing. Sometimes, we do not have the same ideas and we want different things. Then disagreement happens.

We watched a video story about a group of elephants – “That Fruit is Mine!” Each tried to get to the fruit but failed. They saw a group of mice working together. They did just that too. They worked together and had a fruit feast! We also examined what communication means. Being a good communicator is one of our IB learner profiles for this unit. It involves speaking, listening, body language and facial expression. We tried the game “Pass the Message”. It was not easy. “He is too soft. I can’t hear. I don’t know what he’s saying. Too many words! We reflected on how having good communication is so important.

We had made a mini book for the digraph /ck/ as in Jack, pack, duck. Rainforest did a digraph hunt in the classroom and spotted ‘check, snack, block, clock’. Well done! We figured out letters that confused us by picturing the shape with our hands and pictures. B is a bat with a ball. D is a drum with a stick.

Learning takes place everywhere, even during pool play! We had fun fitting bottle caps to the correct bottles and squeezing water out. We tried pouring into different containers. We figured out out how to work the knobs of bottle caps so water flows out. We carried out an Earthquake Drill too for outdoor play. What do we do when we are in the schoolyard pool during an earthquake? Rainforest practised holding onto the top metal frame, grasping the poles with both hands to steady themselves. They waited for further instructions then calmly made a line to step out of the pool. Good job!

Finally, harvest time for our red radishes! We completed our Plant Diary with the first entry dated May 30 and the last entry July 21. What a labour of love! Rainforest tried some during lunch – smell like potato, taste like lemon, hot, spicy!

Our love and best wishes to Y. She was back with us for the summer. This was her last week. Goodbye, Y! We had great fun together, thank you!

Till next week, take care and have a fun-tabulous weekend!

TOP / Rainforest and Communication: July 18-21