


Savanna: Sports Festival 2024! September 9-13

Thank you all for your support! The Sports Festival was a great success! Everyone did their best in the races as well as their performances. Savanna was spectacular in their paraballoon performance Fly Like Butterflies! A round of applause!!!!!

It had been a busy week for us here in Shimauchi campus as we geared up for Sports Festival 2024. Savanna painted the giant origami minibeasts and made paper flowers for the Earth decorations. Even though we were preparing for the Sports Festival, we did not forget our dear loved ones – our Grandparents! We made coloured paper cut-outs and wrote “I love you” in a card for our Grandmas and Grandpas. Savanna: “And for my great-grandma too! They do many good things… so we say thank you. Grandpa play with me. Grandma make a dress for me for my birthday. My grandma bring me to cheerleading class”.

Savanna discussed the importance of minibeasts on earth. I asked each student what their favourite minibeast was. Then imagine… one day they disappear, no more butterflies, stag beetles, dragonflies, snails!! Savanna: EHHHHH….. so sad. No more butterfly wings. No food for the other animals, no grasshoppers for the snakes and no more honey for us! Minibeasts are indeed important. The video clip below explains well the importance of bees. We learned that each bee has a honey stomach, and they store the honey in honeycombs.

A big thank you too to Savanna families who brought insects for our classroom Minibeast corner. This week we had praying mantis, and caterpillars. A few caterpillars are in the chrysalis stage and we will eagerly wait for 15 days. In the meantime, we are recording the changes in the Life Cycle Checklist. We even had a homemade Book of Bugs. Thank you!

Many thanks once again for a great Sports Festival. It was great fun, and we sure showed good sportsmanship! Till next week, take care and to all our Grandparents HAPPY GRANDPARENTS DAY! 敬老の日 Keiro-nohi.

TOP / Savanna: Sports Festival 2024! September 9-13