
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora –  How we have grown (August 7th-11th)

Hello everyone!

I apologize for the blog being late this week! The summer program has ended, and we return to some of our regular lessons. We continued our phonics with the letter M and continued with our OUI lessons by doing show and tell.

UOI Look at how we grow!

Before we delve into how plants and animals grow, we conclude our first LOI by sharing baby pictures in a show and tell to demonstrate our growth. Thank you to everyone who sent in their adorable baby pictures! The children did their best to describe how they have grown to all their friends. The teacher aided the children by asking questions such as “What’s different?” and “What can you do now?” Some of the answers our wonderful kids gave were walking, talking, eating, and wearing underpants. Well done, everyone! 

We didn’t have enough time for everyone to do their show and tell this week. Half of the class did their presentation this week, while the other half will have their chance after the summer break.

Goodbye good friend

We have had two friends staying with our class temporarily for a few months. Sadly, we will have to say goodbye to both of them in August. This week, we bid farewell to the first of our dear friends. Thank you for staying with us! We will never forget you!

Monthly song

August is slightly shorter than a traditional month, but we will still learn and sing our new monthly song, “Totoro.” The song’s beginning is about planting a seed and watching it grow, a great way to start our next LOI discussion!

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