
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora –  We keep growing (August 21st-25th)

Hi everyone!

It’s been a fun week as we celebrated our birthday friends, continued our show-and-tell, and played in the pool.

Last week of pool

The excitement about playing in the pool was just as high for the last day as our first day. I have been impressed by how principled our Aurora students have been while playing outside in the pool all summer. They followed all the rules nicely and had a ton of fun playing together! 

Happy birthday!

We celebrated our August birthday friends this week. We had a fun birthday party with everyone in the morning and a special class party in the afternoon! Congratulations to both of our cool birthday boys!

UOI 2 How do we grow?

We continued doing our show-and-tell with our baby pictures this week. Due to a busy schedule, we still have a few students left. Rest assured, they will be able to present their pictures next week!


Before leaving the classroom, we always say where we are going by using the phrase: “We are going to the toilet/ the park/ to play outside, etc.” During our afternoon circle, when discussing our day, we use the phrase, “We went outside/to the park/to the toilet.”  

If you want to practice this at home, you can ask your child before going somewhere, “Where are we going?” and “Where did we go?” after returning from somewhere!

As always, thank you for all your support, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora –  We keep growing (August 21st-25th)