
Shimauchi Preschool


Savanna: How We Express Ourselves and Happy Harvest! October 7- 11

Savanna begins a new unit on the theme of How We Express Ourselves. Our central idea is – Feelings can be expressed and managed in many ways. Thank your dear Parents for your helpful input in the Unit Overview. For a start, we will explore the different kinds of feelings. We will work on expanding our vocabulary so that we can begin to express how we feel in words, body language, through art, music and drama.

Engaging their prior knowledge about feelings, Savanna did a little role play. “Once upon a time, there were two sisters and they were pretending to be fairies. They were playing with the only magic wand they had. Then trouble started…” Savanna described feeling words like ‘happy, sad, angry’. Someone commented, “why did you not use your words”. Another said, “no snatching, we can take turns.” Another added, “we can ask Mummy, Daddy buy another magic wand!” Good prior knowledge, Savanna.

We started reading the very meaningful and popular children’s book ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ by Carol McCloud. From the book’s website (bucketfillers101.com): this heartwarming book encourages positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show readers how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation, and love by “filling buckets”.

We made more Halloween crafts – cats, monsters and pumpkins. We drew out the various shapes, cut them out and assembled them for some crafty fun. We talked about how big or small the ovals should be for the eyes… how long the whiskers should be… whether there is space if you draw the mouth this big. Geometry starts in preschool! There were many trial and errors, mistakes made, redrawing and re-cutting. Learning from our mistakes, being creative and not giving up definitely start in preschool too! After a few sessions, Savanna was so proud of their work – “my monster is green scary. My black cat is cute. I like my pumpkin… many hearts!

The most anticipated event of the week – Sweet Potato Picking! What a happy harvest we had! It was hard work but Savanna did not give up. “More imo (sweet potato),” they chanted. We dug up about 200 sweet potatoes! Great effort, Savanna! Till next week, here’s to good health and great fun… have a Happy Health and Sports Day.

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