
Shimauchi Preschool


Families Around The World!

We started a new line of inquiry this week about how families are different around the world. The first activity they did was watch a short video showing different families around the world. After that the students were given three pictures, a flag, food, and a place from a different country. Then they guessed which picture belonged to which country. Once they finished we went through the pictures to see which ones they got right. It was interesting to see all the different things about each country.


Shooting Star and Savanna will have guest speakers come in to talk about different countries and their family roles. Ms Courtney will start this week with America and hopefully we can have some more come in next week. We are comparing the different family roles from around the world with the family roles in Japan. It’s always fun learning about different cultures.

Shooting StarとSavannaクラスでは、今週から来週にかけて、guest speakerをお招きし、違う国に於ける家族について話をききます。初めに、今週はMs Courtneyがアメリカの家族について話をしてくださいました。日本との違いや、似たところを話し、理解を深めていきます。世界の事を学ぶ事は本当に楽しいですね![envira-gallery id=”81431″]

Wednesday was our first day back at gym and everyone had so much fun. They were all so excited to be back and had a great time.

水曜日から、長らく自粛をしていた体育のレッスンが始まりました。子供達はジム再開を大変に喜び、楽しみました。ジムの様子です。[envira-gallery id=”81417″]

公園での様子です。[envira-gallery id=”81454″]

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!良い週末をお過ごしください!

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