Greetings, みなさま、こんにちは!
After our winter holiday, we finally came back to school. It was amazing how students came back with their language switched from Japanese to English. Kudos to our bilingual students!
As our class resumed, we immediately dove into our fourth unit of inquiry with the transdisciplinary theme, “How We Organize Ourselves”. Before introducing the new unit, we kind of review our past units by remembering the titles from unit one to three. It was amazing to know how students mentioned about family, insects, and emotions. It was good to track student’s progress to check how far they have retained their previous knowledge in mind to promote new learning. Then, the teacher introduced the title of the fourth unit which is, “Community Helpers”. We began with a question, What jobs do you know? And narrowed down to a simple question, What does your mommy/ daddy do? Students’ mind were being stimulated and they began to think what their parents’ jobs are. In the middle of discussion, one student said, “My daddy is a doctor”. From that one student’s answer, other students thought deeply and gave their answers one by one like, office worker, beautician, housewife, etc. and they wrote down their answer on the paper with the teacher’s help on spelling. Opps, one last question was asked, What other jobs do you know? Students gave answers like police officer, firefighter, bus driver, student, and teacher. Finally, students were asked to choose what topic they would want to explore on this unit. Many of them chose to learn the different tools that community helpers use, a few chose different kinds of jobs, and the rest chose the names of buildings where community helpers go to perform their job. And we displayed our mind-map poster and the topics we chose on the wall. Well done, Shooting Star!
スクール開始とともに、最終Unit(Unit4)となる、”How We Organize Ourselves”がスタートとなりました。あたらしいUnitの導入前に、これまで学んできた1から3までのUnitの振り返りをしました。子どもたちがちゃんとUnitごとのテーマである、Family家族、 Insect昆虫, Emotion感情を覚えていたことにとても感心しました。このように子どもたちがどれだけの知識を得ているのか確認することは、次の新しい学びに進む為にもとても大切なことです。この知識のトラッキングのあと、Unit4のタイトルとなる”Community Helpers”を子ども達へと導入しました。What jobs do you know?どんな種類のお仕事があるのか、という疑問がみんなの中から浮かび、そこからさらに身近な職業へと移行させ、What does your mommy/ daddy do? パパやママはどんなお仕事をしているのかということについて考えてみました。子ども達のアイディアが刺激され、自分のお父さん、お母さんがどんなことをしているのか考え始めました。ディスカッションの途中、一人のお友達が”My daddy is a doctor”といったのをきっかけに、他のお友達も深く考えだし一人ひとり、office worker, beautician, housewifeなどなど、色々な職業を挙げてくれ、先生の助け(単語やスペル)を借りながらそれを紙に書きました。最後に、What other jobs do you know?と質問すると、police officer, firefighter, bus driver, student, teacherなどの返事が返ってきました。その後は、このUnitで何について詳しく学びたいのかを話し合い、3つのことに焦点を当てて学びを深めていこうということになりました。3つのことは、①コミュニティーヘルパーが使う道具はどんなもの?②色々な職業には何があるの?③コミュニティーヘルパーが働く建物の名前は何?です。クラス内にこれまでの話し合いをまとめたmind-map posteを貼りました!Well done, Shooting Star!

This week we kicked-off our reading session. We read the “at” and “am” word family. We used our colored pencils by underlining the CVC words red and Jump Out words blue. Then, the following day, we read aloud altogether. It was our first time, but surprisingly, it went very well. Everyone read aloud with their fingers pointing on each and every word. Awesome risk-takers!
今週からReadingレッスンが始まりました。今週は “at” と “am”を含んだ文章を読みました。初日には、CVCワードには赤い色鉛筆で線を引き、JumpOutWordには青で線を引き、翌日はみんなで一緒に本を読みました。初めてのReadingでしたが、みんな本当によくできていて驚かされました。読むときには人差し指を文字に添えながら声に出してセンテンスを読みました。Awesome risk-takers!

We had our Phonics lesson and we learned the “un” word family-gun, sun, run, bun, and fun. After the class discussion, we carried out the merry go round activity again. Students enjoyed moving around with the music and reading the CVC words. We had so much fun!
フォニックスのレッスンでは、”un” word familyを学び、-gun, sun, run, bun, funを覚えました。今週もメリーゴーランドゲームをしながら楽しく”un” word familyを学びました。音楽が鳴りやむまで子どもたちは机の周りをまわり、音楽が止まったらCVCカードを取り、発音します。We had so much fun!

Our workstation is also one of the task that we always look forward to. It’s part of our routine which encourages our independence and our ability to work in an ordered manner. From next week, we will update the materials and we will add new activities.

Fresh air is important to us. The cold weather in winter can’t stop our outdoor recreation. We put on our hat, jacket, mittens (for those who have), and our backpack with drink bottle and off we went to the park on foot.

To boot, we always incorporate our Learner Profile to our daily actions, both outside and inside the classroom. This week we changed our LP medals to crowns. Our young learners tried their best to behave well in order to get the crown that made them look like kings and queens. Oh, yes! They were acknowledged at the afternoon circle time. Keep up the good work!
クラス内外でみんながどのような行動をしたかは、毎日Learner Profileに当てはめて振り返ります。今週はメダルからクラウンへと変わりました。キングやクイーンのようなクラウンを得ることをモチベの一つとして日々の活動ではベストを尽くしています。帰りの会でこのクラウンをかぶります。Keep up the good work!

Have a fantastic long weekend, everyone.