
Shimauchi Preschool

Shimauchi Preschool

Savanna: Setsubun and Music Practice_February 3-7

Our heartiest and warmest WELCOME to our new Savanna student! Spot our new adorable addition to the Savanna family! We introduced ourselves and shared what we liked. “Hello, I am…. I like… Do you like… too?”

Police in training… Salute!

Savanna expanded our vocabulary bank as we learned about what the various community helpers need for their jobs. What do they wear? What do they need to do their jobs? We compared and contrasted the uniform, tools and equipment that the police officer and a firefighter need. “Firefighter hat is hard, like a helmet. Police officers only have hat. Police no water hose or fireproof boots. Firefighters… they have no handcuffs!” Good observations!

We reviewed our phonics A to Z with Bounce Patrol’s Alphabet Occupations. Savanna was amazing as they sang through the 26 jobs from astronaut to zookeeper. Please see the video below. In class, we followed up with displays of the 26 jobs on our wall. In our class meeting, we planned for more community helpers as our unit focus – doctor, scuba diver, train conductor, pilot, musician, dancer and astronaut.

The class set up a “Savanna Hospital” and we have been seeing patients everyday. Looking at x-ray charts, examining the patients with stethoscopes, and giving them medicines, Savanna doctors hope to make their patients feel better!

In preparation for our upcoming Music Concert, Savanna has been practising hard for their pianica performance. Thank you, Parents for helping us by practising at home too.

Early this week, ISN assembled for a talk about Setsubun. All the students wore Oni demon masks of various colours and designs! They learned about the significance of Setsubun, overcoming weaknesses like anger, greed (demons) and traditions such as bean-throwing. The highly anticipated moment finally arrived with a red Oni Demon storming into the room! Armed with newspaper balls as substitutes for roasted soy beans, ISN students drove the demon out shouting “Demon out”! Till next week, keep warm and have a cozy weekend!

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