
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow ~ From my tiny toes to your big heart!( February 12th-14th)

Hello everyone! Another fun, fun week for Rainbow! This week, the world is celebrating Valentine’s Day, about love in all forms—romantic, platonic, and self-love. Whether through thoughtful gestures, quality time, or acts of kindness, make this day meaningful uniquely. After all, love is best celebrated when it comes from the heart.



We did our gym lesson outside since we had lovely weather. We had the same obstacles as in past weeks, and we always asked for the Chasing Tail Game before we ended the lesson.



For this week`s Music lesson, we did what we had last week: the tong pa with pair and piano music. We used different styles, sitting down with a pair and walking around with music. Lastly, the teacher showed us a book and pictures of animals: insects, dogs, and cats, and next week, we will do how these animals sound.



We were fortunate to have lovely weather and to enjoy playing in the park. When we saw the puddle, we were eager to jump into it and play. The kids discover how water moves, how mud forms, and how nature reacts to the rain. Of course, playing in puddles often means one thing- muddy clothes and soaked socks! But isn’t that part of the fun? We imagined that the puddle was a sea we could go fishing in, and they had fun talking about what kind of fish they got by using the dried leaves as sea creatures. Their giggles were always a fantastic sound all around the park.



We made footprints out of light paper dough, then used a sharp knife to cut around them and create a heart shape. We left the footprints to air dry for a few days. We added the saying ‘ I love You, our name, and the date with a black marker pen. We hope Mom and Dad will be happy with our little Valentines Day presents.

軽い紙粘土に足型をとり、シャープなナイフで足型の周りを切り、ハートの形を作りました。足跡は数日間自然乾燥させました。黒いマーカーペンで「I love You」と名前と日付を付け加えました。小さなバレンタイン・プレゼントと一緒に、パパとママが喜んでくれることを願っています。


We did a bit harder and curvy tracing lines to practice the letter “D,” too.

D “の練習のために、少し難しい、カーブのあるトレースラインをやりました。

We discussed family, and here is the song that we sang. Enjoy singing it with your little one!

Here is also our monthly song.

Thank you for your time. See you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow ~ From my tiny toes to your big heart!( February 12th-14th)